How to Overclock i9 9900K ASRock: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Overclock i9 9900K ASRock A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to boost the performance of your i9 9900K processor? Overclocking can be a great way to achieve higher clock speeds and faster processing, but it’s important to do it safely and effectively. In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to overclock your i9 9900K ASRock motherboard.

First, we’ll cover the basics of overclocking, including what it is and why it’s important. Then, we’ll walk you through the steps of overclocking your i9 9900K ASRock motherboard, including adjusting your CPU settings, monitoring temperatures, and testing stability.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to safely and effectively overclock your i9 9900K ASRock motherboard, allowing you to achieve better performance and extend the useful life of your hardware. So, whether you’re a seasoned overclocker or a beginner looking to take the plunge, read on to learn more!

What is Overclocking?

Overclocking is the process of increasing the clock speed of your CPU to achieve higher performance. This is done by adjusting various settings in the BIOS of your motherboard, such as the CPU multiplier, voltage, and frequency.

Preparing for Overclocking

Before you start overclocking your i9 9900K, there are a few things you need to do to prepare your system:

1. Update your BIOS

Make sure your ASRock motherboard’s BIOS is up to date. Check the ASRock website for the latest BIOS version and instructions on how to update it.

2. Check your cooling

Overclocking generates more heat than running your CPU at its default settings, so it’s important to have adequate cooling. Make sure you have a good CPU cooler and that it’s installed properly.

3. Check your power supply

Overclocking also requires more power, so make sure your power supply is capable of handling the extra load. Check the specifications of your power supply to ensure it has enough power for your system.

4. Stress Test Your System

Before overclocking, stress test your system to make sure it’s stable at default settings. Use software like Prime95 or AIDA64 to stress test your CPU and make sure it doesn’t overheat or crash.

Overclocking the i9 9900K on an ASRock Motherboard

Now that you’ve prepared your system, it’s time to start overclocking your i9 9900K on your ASRock motherboard. Follow these steps:

1. Enter BIOS

Restart your computer and enter the BIOS by pressing the Delete key during boot-up.

2. Load Default Settings

Once in the BIOS, load the default settings by selecting the “Load Defaults” option.

3. Set CPU Multiplier

Locate the “CPU Ratio” or “CPU Multiplier” option in the BIOS and set it to your desired clock speed. Start with a modest increase, like 4.8GHz, and test for stability.

4. Adjust the Voltage

Increasing the CPU multiplier also increases the voltage required by the CPU. Increase the CPU voltage incrementally, starting at 1.3V, until your system becomes unstable. Once unstable, decrease the voltage slightly until it’s stable.

5. Set CPU Frequency

Set the CPU frequency to your desired clock speed. Keep in mind that higher clock speeds require more voltage and generate more heat.

6. Stress Test Your System

Once you’ve made your changes, stress test your system to ensure stability. Use software like Prime95 or AIDA64 to stress test your CPU for at least 30 minutes. If your system is stable, congratulations! You’ve successfully overclocked your i9 9900K on an ASRock motherboard.

What Are the Benefits of Overclocking the i9 9900K

There are several benefits to overclocking the i9 9900K processor:

  1. Improved Performance: Overclocking your i9 9900K can lead to significant performance gains, particularly in CPU-intensive tasks like gaming, video editing, and 3D rendering. With an overclocked CPU, you can achieve higher clock speeds and faster data processing, leading to smoother and faster performance.
  2. Cost-Effective Upgrade: Overclocking your i9 9900K can be a cost-effective way to upgrade your computer’s performance. Rather than investing in a new CPU or entire system, overclocking allows you to get more performance out of your existing hardware.
  3. More Flexibility: Overclocking your i9 9900K can give you more flexibility in terms of the tasks you can perform on your computer. With a faster CPU, you can handle more demanding applications and multitasking without experiencing slowdowns or lag.
  4. Future-Proofing: Overclocking your i9 9900K can also help future-proof your system. By increasing your CPU’s performance, you can extend the useful life of your hardware and delay the need for costly upgrades.

Overall, if you’re looking for improved performance and more flexibility from your computer, overclocking your i9 9900K can be a great option. However, it’s important to approach overclocking with caution and follow best practices to ensure the safety and longevity of your hardware.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is the Maximum Safe Voltage for The i9 9900K?

The maximum safe voltage for the i9 9900K is generally considered to be around 1.4V. However, it’s important to note that higher voltages can lead to increased heat and potential damage to your CPU.

2. Can Overclocking Damage My CPU?

Yes, overclocking can potentially damage your CPU if done incorrectly. That’s why it’s important to take things slow and stress-test your system to ensure stability.

3. Is It Necessary to Overclock My i9 9900K?

No, it’s not necessary to overclock your i9 9900K. However, if you’re looking to get the most out of your CPU and increase its performance, overclocking can be a great option.

4. What Kind of CPU Cooler Should I Use for Overclocking?

For overclocking, it’s recommended to use a high-quality CPU cooler with good thermal performance. Some popular options include all-in-one liquid coolers and high-end air coolers. Be sure to choose a cooler that’s compatible with your CPU socket and can handle the increased heat generated by overclocking.

5. Will Overclocking Void My CPU Warranty?

Yes, overclocking your CPU can potentially void your warranty. However, this can vary depending on the specific manufacturer and their policies. It’s always best to check with the manufacturer before attempting any overclocking.

6. Can Overclocking Improve Gaming Performance?

Yes, overclocking can improve gaming performance by increasing your CPU’s clock speed and allowing it to handle more demanding tasks. However, the exact level of performance gain will depend on the specific game and other factors such as GPU performance.

7. What Is the Difference Between Manual and Automatic Overclocking?

Manual overclocking involves manually adjusting the various CPU settings in your BIOS to achieve the desired overclock. Automatic overclocking, on the other hand, relies on software or BIOS features to automatically adjust your CPU settings based on performance and temperature.

8. How Can I Monitor My CPU Temperatures While Overclocking?

There are several programs you can use to monitor your CPU temperatures while overclocking, such as HWMonitor, CoreTemp, or MSI Afterburner. These programs can provide real-time temperature readings and allow you to monitor your CPU’s temperature under load.

9. Do I Need to Upgrade My Power Supply for Overclocking?

You may need to upgrade your power supply for overclocking, especially if you’re pushing your CPU beyond safe limits or adding additional hardware to your system. It’s important to ensure that your power supply can handle the increased power demands of an overclocked system.


Overclocking your i9 9900K on an ASRock motherboard can be a great way to increase performance and get the most out of your CPU. By following these steps and taking things slow, you can achieve stable and reliable overclocking that can take your system to the next level.

Remember to always monitor your temperatures and system stability, and never push your CPU beyond safe levels. With the right approach, you can achieve amazing performance gains and take your gaming and productivity to new heights.

Ayub Ansary
Ayub Ansary is a technology expert with a deep knowledge of gaming and operating systems. With years of experience and a passion for sharing his knowledge, He is the go-to resource for anyone seeking to improve their skills or learn more about the latest trends and innovations. Follow his posts for valuable insights and tips on everything from system optimization to gaming strategies.