How to Build a Studio Desk for Music Production

How to Build a Studio Desk for Music Production

Building a studio desk for music production is not an easy task, but it can be done with patience and care. The first thing you need to do is find the right materials. This includes plywood, screws, lumber, paint or stain, and any other supplies that may be needed in order to complete the project. Once you have these supplies in hand then it’s time to get started on the desk.

How to Build a Studio Desk for Music Production

Here is a list of steps that will help you build your own music production desk:

  • Draw a Sketch of Your Desk and Note the Dimensions
  • Use these dimensions when buying plywood, lumber and other supplies needed for construction.
  • Design a layout that works best for you with some extra room in case any mistakes happen during the building process. This is especially important if this will be used as a studio workstation because you don’t want to be limited in your movements.
  • Cut the plywood according to your design and attach it together using screws.
  • Once the base is complete, you can start adding on the additional features such as shelves, drawers, or whatever else you may need.
  • Make sure everything is sturdy before finishing up with a coat of paint or stain.
  • You can now proudly show off your new studio desk.

Draw a Sketch of Your Desk and Note the Dimensions

First, you need to draw a sketch of the desk and write down its dimensions. This will help you plan out how much wood, paint or stain, and other supplies that you will need for this project.

Design is the soul of a project. So,  you have to design a layout that works best for you. This is especially important if this will be used as a studio workstation because you don’t want to be limited in your movements.

Buy All The Necessary Instruments

Next, you need to buy all the necessary instruments and materials needed for construction. This includes plywood, screws, lumber, paint or stain, and any other supplies that may be required to complete the project.

Once you have these supplies in hand then it’s time to get started on your desk.

Design the Final Layout

It’s time to start building your desk. The first thing you need to do is draw a design of the final layout so everything will go smoothly during this process.

Cut The Plywood

After that, you need to cut the plywood according to your design and attach it together using screws.

Start Adding The Additional Features

Now it’s time for the fun part- start adding on the additional features such as shelves, drawers, or whatever else you may need.

Make Sure Everything Is Sturdy

It’s very important that everything is sturdy before you finish up with a coat of paint or stain.

Paint Them All In The Same Shade

Now it’s time to paint your desk. All you need to do is paint them all in the same shade and wait for it to dry.

Proudly Show Off Your New Desk.

Now, you can proudly show off the new studio desk that you have worked so hard on.

Find a Good Spot for Your Desk in Your Home Studio

Now that your studio desk is complete, it’s time to find a good spot for it in your home studio. The best place would be against the wall because this will limit how much space it takes up and overall just keep everything nice and neat. However, you need to be careful and make sure that the desk is not in a high traffic area because this could lead to problems down the road. For example, if your family or friends like to hang out in your home studio, then they might not be too happy if they keep running into your desk. So, just be mindful of where you put it and everything should work out just fine.


Take your time and follow these steps to make sure the desk turns out perfect for your needs. Building a studio desk for music production is not an easy task, but if you follow these steps and take your time then it can be done with patience and care.

You should now be able to build a sturdy studio desk that will last you years of use

Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith is a Senior Editor at Provaat. She has a special affinity for gaming peripherals, laptops and virtual reality. Before, Kelly covered technology terms, including hardware, software, cyber security and other IT happenings on our community.